Reema, Age 4 in India

Shinde Jewels

From The Archive




Wish List

As I get ready to launch this site, I want to start by thanking all my clients who have been and remain supportive over the two previous decades. You are the stars in my firmament that help light my path. Please join me in celebrating the launch of this new website. This website represents the culmination of a dream I've been nurturing for the last two decades, slowly and mindfully developing my skills and networks.

As I look ahead to this new chapter, the glittering horizon beckons.

Among my dream goals for 2020:

1. I would be thrilled to create jewelry for the upcoming nuptials of Roxane Gay & Debbie Millman. I love both Design Matters and everything Roxane Gay has written, so this is my celebrity dream couple.

2. Another dream client is Sarai Walker [If you haven't read Dietland, do it now. And then watch the show.]. 

I dedicate this first blog to the incredible work of science fiction author Octavia Butler. She is the embodiment of excellence and she is forever Q.U.E.E.N. in my world. 

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